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Showing posts from June, 2021

Reasons why Diamonds are so Expensive

Diamonds are breathtaking. That is undeniable. They have that allure and elegant sparkle that simply catches your eye and refuses to let go. Imagine that on a fine piece of jewelry on your hand, finger, or neck. You would make a statement.  But is that why they are so expensive?  Diamonds have an interesting and unique set of properties , only common to them. For instance, they are the hardest known material on the earth’s surface, hence most durable. They also have a high light dispersion rate that produces the sparkle we adore. No Understanding the current valuation of diamonds demands a sneak peek of the industry’s history.  Diamonds have been a part of society for extensive durations in history. Traditionally, they were used as status symbols for wealth and prosperity, adorned by the elite class. This feat contributed greatly to their perception and positioning as the most desired gemstones, especially as they radiated such beauty to the onlooker’s eyes. The supply couldn’t match t